Hi! I'm Marley.. I am a 7 yr. old Husky woofie. I love my mom and boy bean and enjoy my new found friend Miss Henry. Hi! I'm Miss Henry, I am an 8 yr. old blue russian mix and was the last one in the shelter to stick my paw out of the cage when my new mommie bean noticed me. I was so happy to know I was not too old to go to my forever home and be loved again. I jumped into PTU so fast it made my old caretaker bean laugh. I new I was the luckiest cat on the earth.
I see that your too big to put in the washing machine the way I was. Good luck with the ice cold bath.
Your Pal, Mike
Elise our woofie don't like baths either! We cats hate them!
You should come join our woofie on Thursdays for Dogs On Thursdays!
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