Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doddle Week--Outer space

By Miss Henry


MaoMao said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! We Ballicai love that doodle! Our Momma's a trekkie so she got a good giggle!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely girl kitty you are, Miss Henry! I think the world would do well to be assimilated by cats. *smile*

An adorable doodle!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

WOAH! Now that's a cool doodle!

Daisy said...

Laser-beam eyes are a powerful weapon!

Anonymous said...

That is a powerful set of tractor beams you've got.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Love the doodle! I wish mom had time to try to be creative this week! Will you please come and give her lessons?

Quasi said...

Welcome to cyberspace, Miss Henry! I'm glad you made the transition from outerspace. And welcome to your woofie, too.

Gretchen said...

I knew lazer eyes had to be good for something. I love your doodle.

Hey, I'm sorry I hissed at you yesterday. I don't like myself for doing that. I have a special award for you on my site. Please pay me a visit and pick it up. I think you're just the coolest cat because you didn't get upset over my hissy fit.

Your new friend...Gretchen

The Crew said...

Aaaacccckk...run...hide...lazer eyes!!

The Cat Realm said...

We just read about you at Gretchen's blog so we wanted to say hello!
We love your awesome doodle - especially as Ruis and I had a Star Trek Wedding!!!
Karl and Mrs. OZ

Paula said...

hahahaha! That is a great trick you did with your eyes!
teach us how to do that so we can better control our woofie!

~Wikipedia, Alex and Zander